Big Updates

A Time Saving Update: Export Data to Quickbooks

And no worries – you don’t have to make any changes to your workflow.

Save time with the ability to export Invoices and Payments to your 3rd party accounting software such as Quickbooks (note that Quickbooks Desktop will require that the file be converted into the qbo file format.

NOTE: we have an important update about Operations and the Bill of Material at the end of this email.

Additional Updates

Add Operations export/import for catalogs making it easier to manage Operations
Added the ability to request payments on invoices before the invoice is open, making it easier to accommodate customers
Added Process Operations to Process Payables making it easier to track payments for operations (piece work)
Added the ability to add contacts outside of the order form. This lays the groundwork for creating orders between companies on The Shed App
Made several improvements to 3D-Basic and 3D-Sales
Updated the Building Return function – now it is more intuitive and formally scoped to the pre-sale operations
Several improvements to View Building and the Update Production Status page
Stores now have the option of allowing RTO contracts to be provided for orders with buildings owned by another company
Various bug fixes

Watch our video to learn more: