Big Updates

Important Announcement from The Shed App

We have some exciting updates to announce regarding our support channel and Managed Marketing services.

Customer Support Updates

We are excited to announce that Jerry Gingerich has joined our support team. Jerry has been working in the shed industry for the last number of years. We think Jerry’s unique perspective will be able to help our team be more aligned with the needs of our clients. You can expect responses from Jerry in the coming months via the support channels.

Also, we need to announce that Anthony is no longer working at The Shed App. We will miss him and wish him the best in his latest endeavors.

Managed Marketing Updates

Our Managed Marketing service has grown over the last year. This has prompted us to expand this service and we are excited to see where we can take this in 2024! See the updates below.

  • We have expanded our Managed Marketing team to include Addison Witt, a digital ads pro. He brings extensive experience in the marketing industry that will be leveraged by our Managed Marketing tools.
  • We have opened a channel specifically for questions, issues, and concerns regarding your managed marketing service.
  • We are also ready to release an updated bi-weekly report that will automatically be emailed to you every other Monday morning. We hope this report will help you maintain an accurate pulse on your marketing efforts.
    • You can expect the first report this Monday morning on the 8th of January 2024.
    • Included in that report will be a link for you to schedule a meeting with the Managed Marketing team to introduce you to the report and answer any questions.

Annoucing The Shed Partner Collective

Ads aren’t performing?
Website isn’t converting?
CRM is working against you?
Need sales and management training?

You are not alone. Clients often come to us thinking a 3D tool will solve all their problems, but customers have higher expectations.

With more and more people buying sheds online every year, The Shed App is proud to announce we are partnering with the best and the brightest to help you boost online sales and give your customers a seamless, premium buying experience.

Be on the lookout for future emails with more details!

If interested in learning more right now, email and we’ll connect you with the right partner.

The Shed App Team