How to

How To: Schedule a Shed Move Delivery

Summary: If you have sheds that need to be moved from one display lot to another display lot. This delivery can be scheduled within TSA (The Shed App).


  • You have more than Store/Lot added in your TSA account
  • You have at least one building at one lot

How to create the Shed Move Delivery

1. Copy or not the serial number of the building that you would like to move

2. Navigate to “Manage Deliveries” and click “Add Delivery”

3. Select “Inventory Move” as the delivery category

4. In the Building Information section, type or paste the serial number of the building in the Serial Number search field and choose the required serial number

  • After choosing the correct building the “Start Location” will automatically be generated based on the buildings current location.
  • Select the End Location

5. Select a Management Plant for Delivery

6. Select a driver

7. Click Add

How to Schedule the new “Inventory Move” Delivery

1. Navigate to “Manage Deliveries” and click “Schedule”

2. You should see the recently add “Inventory Move” delivery on the left hand side of the schedule

3. Drag and drop the delivery on the appropriate day

4. The delivery should now be scheduled and it can be confirmed and completed as required by your driver